Thursday, April 29, 2010

How can we save our dolphins?

Don't use set nets for fishing!
Don't buy fish caught in set nets.

If you have to use set nets then:
  • Use smaller nets.
  • Use noise making pingers to warn the dolphins.
  • Only set them during day time.
  • Stay close to your nets so dolphins can be freed if they get caught.


max.v said...

Dolphins can live to 50 years before they die.

Peter said...

On average an adult dolphin will eat 4-9% of its body weight in fish, so a 250 kg (550 lb) dolphin will eat 10-22.5 kg (22-50 lb) fish per day.

CAM$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!.,,.,.,>><<<><>><> said...

Dolphins swim in pods.