Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Welcome to our adventure. Over the next term we are going to discover how we can "Save our Seas". We are going to learn about New Zealand's marine environment and ways that we can save it from pollution and harm.

We are going to post our learning on this blog to show you what we have learnt and what we think we can do to protect it.


Totara Smith said...

This is cool

Mark said...

I know how to save the turtles

Mark said...

I am excited about our new topic.

caitlin:] said...

I can't wait to save our turtles it will be so much fun.

Jayden said...

There are not many turtles in the world because they are all dying.

max.v said...

i'm so excited to do this topic.

max.v said...

poor dolphans.

max.v said...

this topic is alsome

Totara Smith said...

Hi Caitlin, Jayden and Max

I can see you have found our blog. Good on you for leaving a comment.

cody said...

We should make sure to keep our beaches clean.

diaz.s said...

lets put our rubish in the bin to save turtles and aother anmils in the sea.

Totara Smith said...

You are right Diaz every little bit we do helps.

George said...

Hey lets not put rubbis on the beachs

George said...

I like our new topic!!!

caitlin :) said...

hey we need to stop people that are using the wrong fishing nets!!!

caitlin:) :] said...

hey this is going to be so cooooooool!!!!!!

DANIEL said...

This is going to be cool

caleb said...

this is going to be kool

caleb said...

this is going to be fun

caleb.a said...

I am so sad that there are not many turtles left in the world.

George said...

I wish there would be more turtles in the future.

G=e=o=r=g=e said...

our new topic is cool!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm excited about saving the dolphins corals and sponges.