Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What we have learnt about turtles.

  • There are 5 species.
  • The leatherback is the largest turtle.
  • Turtles are near extinction.
  • Only one in 1000 survive to be adults.
  • They drown in nets and choke on plastic.
  • They have a streamlined shell.
  • They are omnivorous, they eat plants and animals.
  • They cry salty tears.
  • They swim for hundreds of kilometers.
  • Their shell has 50- 60 bones.


Anonymous said...

Hey u guys I learnt that turtles live on every continent except Antarctica!

Emily said...

Turtles are great

Totara Smith said...

Great to see you found our blog Emily. Good on you for leaving a comment.

max.v said...

Dolphins use echolocation to navigate and hunt, bouncing high-pitched sounds off of objects, and listening for the echoes.

Nicholas said...

Turtles breathe air and do not lay eggs under water but many types live in our around water.

Ellie said...

Lets clean up the beaches for all the animals in the sea.

Verity said...

Some turtles have a soft shell.

Gemma said...

Did you know that Turtles can live over 100 years old.

Totara Smith said...

That's true Ellie every little bit we can do does make a difference. Thanks for your facts Gemma and Verity.

Emily said...

Did u know some hungry people eat turtles as food? That is just horrible!

George said...

Most turtles that spend most of their life on land have their eyes looking down at objects in front of them.

Emily said...

Some turtles can live more than a year with out food lucky!

Emily said...

When turtles swim they breathe through their bum?Ha ha neat trick!

CAITLIN:) said...

turtles have been killed for their shells

CAITLIN:] {3 said...


Ellen C said...

Turtles are awesome and fascinating

emma said...

Dolphins can swim up to 260 m below the surface of the ocean.

Emma said...

dolphins can swim up to 260 m below the surface onf the ocean