Thursday, July 22, 2010

Trip to Pataka

Here are some photos of our class trip to Pataka. We got to do lots of cool stuff including dressing up in clothes from 100 years ago. Please leave a comment about somehing you learnt from our trip.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ancient China and Greece

Here are some more unfair facts:
  • Words were scratched onto turtle shells and animal bones.
  • Chinese writing was very hard to learn.
  • Only boys of leaders and chiefs got to go to school.
  • Only a few children learnt to read.


  • Greek girls were not allowed to go to school.
  • If boys did not learn well enough they got beaten with sticks.
  • The Greeks had very strict ideas about education.
  • Only rich Greek boys got to go to school.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Ancient Rome

Today we made stone tablets with Roman numerals. It was quite hard scratching the numbers into "stone". We shaped the tablet out of playdough and letthem dry in the oven. Then we had lots of fun painting them.

We mixed red, brown and white paint to make a terracotta colour.

We went over the Roman numerals in Indian ink.

Here's how they turned out.

Here are some things we learned about ancient Roman schools.

Some interesting facts were:

  • Children scratched letters into wax.

  • Roman books were scrolls made out of animal skins.

Some unfair facts were:

  • They were beaten with eel skin straps.
  • They arrived at school before sunrise.
  • Only boys learnt to read and write.
  • Only their fathers could teach them.
  • Girls were taught by their mothers to spin, weave and sew. They weren't allowed to go to learn to read.
  • Boys had to learn long speeches off by heart.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ancient Schools

We have already started our new topic. If you have informaton to share on Ancient Schools that would be great. Please leave a comment.
So far we have found out some unfair facts!
  • It was hard to learn hieroglyphics.

  • Only a few rich boys went to school.

  • They were beaten for not listening.

We tried writing in hieroglyphics and yes it was hard.

Can you guess who did this?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Trip to the Marine Lab

Our hosts were Victor and Judy.

Some of us fed the turtles. Some used fishing rods to dangle in the food, others used their teeth!

There were cool crustaceans.

They made the parent helpers wear silly hats.

Some of us got to shake hands with an octopus.

It was great standing around the rock pool table.

We got to handle all kinds of amazing sea creatures.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

How can we save our whales?

  • Don't use set nets for fishing.
  • Don't hunt whales!
  • If you see a stranded whale call for help and join the team to save it.

How can we save our crustaceans?

  • Wash out paintbrushes inside.
  • Wash your car on the lawn.
  • Recycle paint at paint shops.
  • Take oil and paint to the special place at the tip.
  • Don't take small or too many crayfish to eat.