Thursday, July 22, 2010

Trip to Pataka

Here are some photos of our class trip to Pataka. We got to do lots of cool stuff including dressing up in clothes from 100 years ago. Please leave a comment about somehing you learnt from our trip.


Max.V said...

Boys could not wear long pants.

max.v said...

Girls and boys had to always wear hats.

Emily said...

Going to Pataka was so much fun!
I learnt that girls couldn't play games that boys played. That is so unfair!

cody said...

Writing with ink pens were hard because you had to keep on dipping it in the ink.

ellen said...

girls could not wear not fair!

George.C said...

There was a fence in the middle of the playground what seperated the boys and the girls.

George.C said...

There were also special monitors just in case something went wrong in the playground.

George.C said...

Boys could finaly wear long pants when they were a certain age.

Lauren said...

Only boys could play marbles and girls could only play the cup and ball game. The students had to bring firewood otherwise they would sit furthest away from the fireplace brrrr!

Lauren said...

It was funny when I dressed up. Shiloh wore the same clothes as me! No-one used to smile in photos.

Jayden said...

Teachers always have to keep there hair up.

Jayden said...

Children had to sit with there legs crossed and there hands in there lap and keep there backs straight.

caleb said...

teaches were verry strict

caleb said...

if you where dumb you would be hit with a cane

Ellie said...

Girls and boys could not giggle.
Every morning they had an inspection and when bell rang they had to line up in girl boy lines, smallest at the front and tallest at the back.

Anonymous said...

Teana said: I liked Pataka because I got to dress up and I like that! It would be hard if you were left handed to write with your right hand.

Peter said...

I now know how it feels dressed up in 1910 clothes .... the braces were a new experience for me!
From: Peter Theron

EMMA said...

It was really hard to write with ink.It was funny when we dressed up.Teachers were also mean.

Verity.I said...

I liked the game that you tried to get a ball in a cup.

john foxall said...

I had heaps of fun!!!
Kids would be hit with a cane if they were naughty!
from john