Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ancient China and Greece

Here are some more unfair facts:
  • Words were scratched onto turtle shells and animal bones.
  • Chinese writing was very hard to learn.
  • Only boys of leaders and chiefs got to go to school.
  • Only a few children learnt to read.


  • Greek girls were not allowed to go to school.
  • If boys did not learn well enough they got beaten with sticks.
  • The Greeks had very strict ideas about education.
  • Only rich Greek boys got to go to school.


Unknown said...

Chinese writing was really hard to learn because it had lots of diffrent lines,shapes and dots and there was over 100 to learn.

Emily said...

Many parents wanted boy children so they will look after them in their old age.

Emily said...

Anyone finding an abandoned baby could adopt it and take it home, perhaps to raise it as a slave.

ellen said...

girls were taught to sew.